James Swingle Training and Consulting |
Implementation of a Project Management Office
Large projects span multiple functions within a company, and often require deliverables from multiple companies. Pulling together all those dependencies, managing resources that aren't direct reports, and communicating project results--both positive and problematic--in a timely and straightforward way to stakeholders are all necessary skills to make the broad changes needed to keep a company competitive in the current business climate. Rather than being at the mercy of external resources for that Project Management skill set, create your own Project Management Office: Build the skills and processes in-house to make the changes your business needs to thrive.
Customer Service Run-Throughs
Repeat business is cheaper than finding new customers. And when you are expanding your customer base, the least expensive (and most believed) form or advertisement is word of mouth. Good customer service is the most cost-effective way to market and sell there is. And the key to good customer service is understanding the client experience, from their first touch point with your company, through all their contacts with you and the periods between, to the final delivery of their product or service. I can provide a client's eye view of your customers experience, along with the ways to make it world class.
Workshop and Meeting Facilitation
Key meetings and workshops deserve your full attention on the substantive issues at hand. By facilitating your meeting, I can provide the structure to keep the meeting on point, moving forward and ending with specific, documented agreements and action items. This allows you to focus on making your case for the changes you want to see.
To discuss these, or other consulting needs, please contact me at:
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